Monday, March 17, 2014

Random Acts Update

So I've been working on my acts of kindness Lenten challenge for about of a week and a half.  I have to say I think I'm doing pretty well.  It's been fun and rewarding- I like planning out some of the acts and others have just happened naturally. Some of the acts on my list are so simple they really should be done without even thinking about it, but its nice to challenge myself to continue to work on these simple easy acts and put someone else in front of my own worries and stress.

I'm just going to re-cap the acts I have done so far- that way you guys can help make sure I get to 40 by Easter! 

1. Write a Thank you note:  I wrote a Thank You note to our mail man- just thanking him for delivering the mail every day through this very cold and nasty winter!  Hopefully- as much mail as he sees it was a nice surprise to get something for him!

2.  Say "Good Morning" and smile:  I am trying to do this every morning, its so easy and really should be done but sometimes we just walk by someone in the morning without thinking or we are already wrapped up in our work for the day.  I'm trying to make it a point though to say Good Morning to all of my co-workers each morning.  (some people are more morning people then others- haha)

3. Make Dinner for a Friend:  I made dinner for my family and friends on a Sunday evening- We have a set date every Sunday night where we get  together hang out, and then watch a show or movie. I usually make a dessert or snack but this time I made chicken and macaroni and cheese and a salad- it was an easy dinner but I say it still counts! (Look how happy they all are- my husband can't wait to eat it!)

4.  Praise a co-worker for their good work: This happened sort of by accident but I had a co-worker questioning her success and just getting a little overwhelmed.  It was really nice to help reassure her and help her see why she has earned and deserves all the success and opportunities she is receiving. I would have of course said the same things whether I was doing this challenge or not- but like I said some of these acts just happened naturally.

5.  Write a letter to a friend:  I wrote a letter to a friend who was expecting a baby Mid-April - just catching up with her and trying to reassure about becoming a mom and that she is going to be an amazing mom.  I wrote the letter last Thursday but I was waiting to send it because I was sending it with a little package- and on Friday I found out her little guy just couldn't wait to come into this world and he was born the week before!  I just sent the package today- hopefully the letter will still be a nice surprise and provide some encouragement in the first couple challenging weeks!

6. Hold the door for someone: This is another really easy one and it's surprising how it catches people off guard because it does not happen that often anymore.  I have been able to do this one three different times so far and I always get a Thank you in response- which is not needed but nice! 

7. Donate Food to a Food Pantry: I was able to do this last Friday, on Pi Day! I stopped into a local food bank and dropped off a bag of groceries and I didn't even spend any extra money picking up the groceries I just went through our pantry and picked out some items we had extra of. 

8. Buy Someone's lunch: A friend came to visit me on Saturday and we went out to lunch- I picked up the tab- much to her protest!  But it was nice to do and I told her she was helping me with my Lent challenge! :) 

9. Let someone go in front of you in line: I did this today at the post office while I was mailing the package to my friend. 

10. Bring my co-workers a special treat: In honor of St. Patrick's Day I made my co-workers a special treat- Lucky Charm Treats!  There are no more left in the cafeteria- so I assume they were a hit! 

I still have a lot of things to cross off my list- but I think I am off to a good start.  It has been very rewarding so far to make someone smile with such simple little acts!


1 comment:

  1. i LOVE this idea. seriously. more people should be like you! P.S. it so fun to see your blog--I haven't seen in forever! congrats on the beautiful baby boy. he is so precious! :)
