Wednesday, March 5, 2014

40 Acts of Kindness- Giving Back instead of Up

Ok so I know I said that my next post would be about actually balancing the mayhem of Mommyhood- but this idea just came to me last night and since Lent is starting today I feel that I need to post this today. 

Lent is beginning today- Lent the 40 day period before Easter Sunday- traditionally Catholics give something up during this period.  It signifies the 40 day fasting period Jesus experienced while in the dessert before beginning his public ministry. (thanks for the summary Wikipedia).

I personally always struggle to find something to give-up and I never really found it rewarding to so this year I am trying something new.  Instead of giving something up I am going to give back- with 40 acts of kindness. For me this is a more positive spin on Lent and hopefully by putting positive energy and goodness into the world it will help make it a little better and make a few people smile along the way.

Now the goal would be to do one act a day- but I know that may not happen so as along as all of them are accomplished before Easter- I say it counts.

I'm writing this entry as a way to make myself accountable to accomplishing this goal and as just a way to track the acts.  Also this is just going to be my list to work off of.

Here my list of acts of kindness- obviously there are only 20- so some of them I'm going to do more than once but I will complete each act at least one time in the next 40 days.

  1. Clean up litter
  2. Bring flowers to a friend
  3. Compliment someone
  4. Make dinner for a friend 
  5. Donate food to a food drive/pantry
  6. Make a donation to a charity
  7. Leave a generous tip
  8. Let someone go in front of you in line
  9. Hold the door for someone
  10. Write a letter to a friend
  11. Bring Co-workers a special treat
  12. Buy someone's lunch
  13. Donate used clothing
  14. Plant a tree/flowers
  15. Be an active listener to someone who needs to talk
  16. Give a Thank you note
  17. Donate blood
  18. Make breakfast for my husband 
  19. Say "Good Morning" and smile 
  20. Thank and praise a co-worker for their good work

My hope is that by completing this kindness challenge I will be setting and being an example for my son and in the future we can do this together. Wish me luck!  I will be posting updates as I complete each act! 

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