Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summertime Adventures

I know it has been a while! I apologize I have been wanting to update- but I can't quite get my thoughts all in order- so while I work through this writers block- here's a photo update of some of our recent adventures!

Summer has finally arrived in Ohio and we have been having so much fun!

It's not quite the same fun that summer used to bring with weekend trips, vacations, and theme parks and all day adventures but we are definitely still having fun!  Trips and outings just take a bit more planning.

We are trying to get back out there!  Over the winter I feel like I really did hibernate- too cold and snowy to want to go anywhere especially with a newborn- but  I'm trying to figure it all out now and find out some good places we can go and fun things we can do! If you have any ideas/suggestions send them my way!

So far we have:

Springtime Family Photos! 
Gone to the park to walk and take new family photos- this was actually more spring time but that's ok!

Trip to the Zoo! 
We went to the zoo on a especially cold late spring/early summer day- it was obviously so much fun it worn the little guy out!  And it was so cold we were only there about two hours but the first couple animals he did really enjoy seeing!
Four Generations! 

We celebrated Tony's birthday with a cookout! Which also included a visit from his Grandparents from Florida and Aunt and her family.  It was so great because we had four generations all together for a family shot!

Father's Day! 

Tony had his first Fathers Day!  Which was such a busy and special day!  It started out with coffee and his favorite donuts, and ended up with a first time swimming for little man and a new addition to the family- a puppy named Cody!  

Where did I pee??? You'll never guess! 

Cody has been a great addition.  I know some people have said we are crazy- but you know I just don't like boredom so why not take on a puppy and a baby! haha.  Little man loves the pup though so all the crazy is worth it!
First time hitting the pool! 
It doesn't look like I am having too much fun...
But I promise I love it! 

Best Buds! 

Nap Time is better when we snuggle!
I'd say we are having a pretty good summer so far!  I'll keep working through this writers block and hopefully have something more informative next time! :) 

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