Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Family Zombie Time!

We have sort of a fun weekly tradition with my husband's family.  About two years ago we all started watching The Walking Dead... I know right.... super fun family bonding show.  But it is for us.

We all (about 10 of us- which is pretty impressive to coordinate that many schedules!) get together Sunday night have dinner, hang out and watch the show. We laugh at the zombies, are shocked by the plot twists and/or say we called it (there's bets out on Beth's survival), try and come up with what's going to happen or how they are going to get out of each crazy situation.

It's become a fun Sunday night that we all look forward too- of course The Walking Dead is only on 6-8 weeks at a time- so we have kept up the tradition on their off seasons by getting together and watching movies every Sunday.  We watched Frozen much to some of the mens' protest.... but lets not lie- they all loved it!  Next week it's The Avenger's once we discovered someone in our group had never seen it! Plus I know our little guy will like it- he loves action... already such a boy (he laughs every time we say stinky poo-poo).

Ok enough about our movie and TV watching habits.  Since we have moved in to our house we have sort of become the house to host Sunday nights- which is fine for me because I have made Sunday my day to stay home, hang out with my little man and get ready for the week!  I love Sundays!

Sunday has also become by Crock Pot Recipe test day! The Sunday night crew has become my guinea pigs for new Crock Pot recipes!  This past week was Crock Pot Mexican Lasagna.  I personally was not 100% sold on it but everyone else said they enjoyed it- so I'll give it one more try!

Here are a few of the Crock Pot recipes I have tried- that I'll definitely make again:

Tonight I am trying Creamy Chipotle Tortellini! (I'll let you know how it is.)

There are many more recipes on my Pinterest Page- You are welcome to check them out- I haven't made them all but - it's kind of like all the crafts and home decor- they sounded good enough and easy enough for me to re-pin them!

I just have to say again- Crock Pot recipes are awesome- they make enough to feed 10 people, and sometimes we even have leftovers!  I really think I could throw just about anything in there and it would turn out!  It's amazing!  I'm thinking I need to buy like three more!  Plus and possibly best of all- its a one pot clean-up- so I can rinse it and get back to the party- because after all I made it- so hubby's on clean-up duty! :)


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