Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Renovated and Reloaded- Mommy Style!

It's been several months since I have updated and what a couple of months it has been!!  Never has my life completely and utterly changed so quickly- one night and WOAH it's all new!

My husband and I welcomed our son into our family on November 14th- immediately we were in love. It's the type of love that even though you just met this little baby you know you always have and always will love him! He is precious and perfect and I am sure will never do anything wrong and will probably rule the world one day. (maybe that's just my "mommy bias")

It's been challenging- but the best, most rewarding kind of challenging- and even being sleep deprived, spit-up, peed and pooped on all in one day- it's been the best time of my life!  I have had my fair share of breakdowns and freak-outs, but hey my hormones are working their way back to some level of normalcy.  It's overwhelming; I have to plan my potty breaks and shower according to little man's schedule, to leave the house I feel like I bring 90% of everything we own!

Now at almost three months old (I can't believe it) we are working into some sort of routine.  It is an indescribable feeling to look into our baby's eyes and see my parts of my husband and myself looking back. He really looks more like his dad right now- but I have realized that when he stretches out waking up or going to sleep it's almost the exact stretches I do when I am tired! Weird and Amazing!

When my maternity leave began (sort of unexpectedly- little man made a surprise arrival 3 weeks early) I felt like I had all the time in the world- but it flew by!  I can't believe that I am going back to work full time in just about a week! I am really not looking forward to this but now that we have this little guy we have to be able to afford him- so it is necessary that I go back to work.  We are lucky to have a very supportive family and that has volunteered to watch him a few days a week so we only have to do daycare part-time- I'm sure daycare days will be the harder days- (I wonder if I can just stay on the phone with the daycare all day so I can just hear him!)

I'm going to try and wrap up this blog post- because I honestly feel like I could just keep writing and I'm not sure anyone would want to keep reading!  But I hope to use this blog to share stories with out of town relatives and it honestly helps me reflect and focus; maybe it can also help other moms to hear another person's story about balancing the mayhem of work and family life. I'll post quick dinner recipes (I intend on becoming a crock-pot queen), fun craft ideas/activities, travel tips, and funny stories!

I feel like my life has been leading up to this like I have a real purpose now.  I have someone that I would literally do anything and everything for; someone I will protect above everything else. I don't know how to describe it accept he is mine.

Thanks for reading- I'll try to post again once I'm back at full-time; that's when the real balancing begins!


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