Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thriving in Chaos....

I'm not sure how everyone else feels...maybe it's something all moms' feel- or maybe I'm just weird- but I feel like I am so much more productive, happy and satisfied when I have just about too much on my plate!

I really started to notice it when I was in college- my last semester of college- I was taking a full class load- had three part-time jobs and an internship- I was BUSY- but I loved it- I knew what I had to do each day and I went to bed feeling accomplished each night!  That semester was the only semester my entire college (and possibly high school) career I got a 4.0 GPA!

After graduation my first "Big Girl Job" was as an administrative assistant- I was BORED out of my mind- and as a result of not being challenged at work I got a little complacent and lazy in my personal life too- I was itching for more projects, more responsibility, more challenges.  My second job outside of college was at a waterpark in marketing, and planning events- I loved it!  I got to be creative, organized, have fun and working with the public there was just a bit of craziness!

In the past few years I've had a couple of career changes, planned a wedding, bought a house and oh yeah had a baby- so it's kept me pretty busy! Just when things are starting to calm down- and I feel like I'm kind of getting the hang of things professionally and personally- I'm itching for more! I need a creative release, a project, a trip, an adventure!

I'm so happy right now in my life- I love seeing my son grow and change everyday- he's getting to such a playful age, and our puppy provides just another dash of unbridled energy. I'm happy but I'm also itching for something more-professionally and creatively. (Without taking too much time away from my little man- because he comes before everything else in my life.)

Something I know I am missing- is something we did in my time in marketing at the waterpark.  We put together little videos showing guests and events at the park. I have always loved movies and it was so fun to quickly make these promo videos highlighting the park.  It was probably my favorite thing to do at the park.  I miss it- I wish there was some aspect of my career now that gave me a reason to make something similar- but real estate doesn't exactly provide the same chaos and fun as a waterpark.

While planning my wedding I did put together a fairly long slideshow presentation of my husband and I growing up and had it transition through several different songs. I may be a little biased but I thought it was pretty good!  I also designed and printed my own wedding invitations, save the date cards, programs, cards for the guest gift and thank you cards.  Everything went together, and fit into the look of my wedding. Again- I may be biased but I was very proud of my wedding and the look I created was exactly what I wanted.

My point to all of this is- I'm itching to get some more creativity into my life.   Designing- invites, cards, whatever- I can probably do it.  Or I can put together photos, or video clips into a movie.  Just let me know what you need or what you are looking for and I'd be happy to try and help!

I loved planning my wedding day, and creating all the special little parts of it that make it unique and personal.  I love meeting new people, talking wedding and family and I'd love to help someone else plan their big day.  I've planned a number of different events in my personal and professional life- so I am very familiar with the process.

If there is something you would like my help with- designing, planning or editing- send me a message, leave me a comment, or connect with me on- twitter, instagram or pinterest.  I'd love to help- and apparently I'm lacking a little organized chaos in my life right now- haha!

Some of us just live for the mayhem- and I'm one of them- if it doesn't come my way I go looking for it!  :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summertime Adventures

I know it has been a while! I apologize I have been wanting to update- but I can't quite get my thoughts all in order- so while I work through this writers block- here's a photo update of some of our recent adventures!

Summer has finally arrived in Ohio and we have been having so much fun!

It's not quite the same fun that summer used to bring with weekend trips, vacations, and theme parks and all day adventures but we are definitely still having fun!  Trips and outings just take a bit more planning.

We are trying to get back out there!  Over the winter I feel like I really did hibernate- too cold and snowy to want to go anywhere especially with a newborn- but  I'm trying to figure it all out now and find out some good places we can go and fun things we can do! If you have any ideas/suggestions send them my way!

So far we have:

Springtime Family Photos! 
Gone to the park to walk and take new family photos- this was actually more spring time but that's ok!

Trip to the Zoo! 
We went to the zoo on a especially cold late spring/early summer day- it was obviously so much fun it worn the little guy out!  And it was so cold we were only there about two hours but the first couple animals he did really enjoy seeing!
Four Generations! 

We celebrated Tony's birthday with a cookout! Which also included a visit from his Grandparents from Florida and Aunt and her family.  It was so great because we had four generations all together for a family shot!

Father's Day! 

Tony had his first Fathers Day!  Which was such a busy and special day!  It started out with coffee and his favorite donuts, and ended up with a first time swimming for little man and a new addition to the family- a puppy named Cody!  

Where did I pee??? You'll never guess! 

Cody has been a great addition.  I know some people have said we are crazy- but you know I just don't like boredom so why not take on a puppy and a baby! haha.  Little man loves the pup though so all the crazy is worth it!
First time hitting the pool! 
It doesn't look like I am having too much fun...
But I promise I love it! 

Best Buds! 

Nap Time is better when we snuggle!
I'd say we are having a pretty good summer so far!  I'll keep working through this writers block and hopefully have something more informative next time! :)