Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A healthy journey

I want to take this post to introduce myself and talk a little bit about my own journey to become a healthier, more active person. 

Growing up I never had to worry about my weight or what I ate.  I played community sports and maybe was just lucky enough to have a fast metabolism. Throughout college and after my weight has fluctuated but with an overall gradual increase. While my husband and I were engaged I started running between 8 and 10 miles a week and really controlled what I ate (probably not in the most healthy way- I ate a lot of canned soups).  I lost almost 40lbs before my wedding and I really loved how I looked and more importantly how I felt.  

My motivator!
I told myself- there is no way I'm going to let myself gain all this weight back- I'm finally managing my weight and feeling great.  But almost four years and two kids later- I'm back where I started, just hoping one day I can get back to wedding day weight, and more importantly just the way I felt about myself. 

For about two or three months I have been really trying to focus on preparing healthier meals at home and trying to fit in a few workouts a week. I would kick my old self in the butt for thinking it was challenge to fit in workouts pre-kids.  (Oh the times I should have spent in the gym instead of sitting on the couch.) 

I'm hoping, and trying my best to stay at it this time... to really turn a corner where I can create a lifestyle change which allows me to be healthy and active in a way I can manage along with being mom. 

I feel like this time I have all the tools for success.  I am motivated this time- for myself, I have learned more about eating properly and cooking and preparing meals.  I know what types of exercise I like and don't like.  I also know that to make a lifestyle change I cannot beat myself up when I have a bad day- I just need to move forward and keep going. 

I would love get back into my wedding dress one day- but more importantly I want to raise children who are active and healthy. I also want to be healthy for them- they are my motivation.

I'm just at the beginning of this journey.... but I am looking forward to conquering it.