Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A healthy journey

I want to take this post to introduce myself and talk a little bit about my own journey to become a healthier, more active person. 

Growing up I never had to worry about my weight or what I ate.  I played community sports and maybe was just lucky enough to have a fast metabolism. Throughout college and after my weight has fluctuated but with an overall gradual increase. While my husband and I were engaged I started running between 8 and 10 miles a week and really controlled what I ate (probably not in the most healthy way- I ate a lot of canned soups).  I lost almost 40lbs before my wedding and I really loved how I looked and more importantly how I felt.  

My motivator!
I told myself- there is no way I'm going to let myself gain all this weight back- I'm finally managing my weight and feeling great.  But almost four years and two kids later- I'm back where I started, just hoping one day I can get back to wedding day weight, and more importantly just the way I felt about myself. 

For about two or three months I have been really trying to focus on preparing healthier meals at home and trying to fit in a few workouts a week. I would kick my old self in the butt for thinking it was challenge to fit in workouts pre-kids.  (Oh the times I should have spent in the gym instead of sitting on the couch.) 

I'm hoping, and trying my best to stay at it this time... to really turn a corner where I can create a lifestyle change which allows me to be healthy and active in a way I can manage along with being mom. 

I feel like this time I have all the tools for success.  I am motivated this time- for myself, I have learned more about eating properly and cooking and preparing meals.  I know what types of exercise I like and don't like.  I also know that to make a lifestyle change I cannot beat myself up when I have a bad day- I just need to move forward and keep going. 

I would love get back into my wedding dress one day- but more importantly I want to raise children who are active and healthy. I also want to be healthy for them- they are my motivation.

I'm just at the beginning of this journey.... but I am looking forward to conquering it. 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Momma's Cooking!

It's been almost two years since I have posted in here.  I have decided to revamp and refocus this blog. Let me reintroduce myself-  my name is Jackie; I am a busy full-time working mom with two children, a two-year-old and a 3-month old. 

I have recently discovered a joy for cooking.  I love creating quick and simple new meals that are flavorful and toddler approved.  I do however, have some rules when it comes to what I will make:
  •  I need the meals to be quick
  •  I need to be able to be multi-task while making them  (has there ever been a mom not doing 1,000 things as once)
  • And finally and maybe most importantly the meals need to require minimal dishes (because cleaning the dishes is still part of dinner and time is everything to a busy momma)
I am by no means a chef- and I know I do not have proper knife skills or technique.  But what I am is a mom who is trying to get a dinner on the table, in bellies and cleaned up while there is still some time to play before the bed time routine begins!

I do not think I am alone in this daily struggle... that is the life of every mom ever!  I hope this new blog can be a place where you can find a helpful recipe or silly story that will make you smile (I'm sure some kids stories will sneak in there).

Every mom knows there is nothing better than a crockpot dinner, or leftovers!  Well these recipes combine both!  

I made a 5lb roast in the crockpot about a month ago- needless to say we had a ton of leftovers.  A month later... when I am starting to need my dishes back- I decide I have to come up with something for all the leftover meat and veggies.  I was able to create three more dinners out of this one crockpot meal! (MOM WIN!)

 Here's the original roast recipe 
 Crock Pot Roast:
  • Pot Roast- seasoned with black pepper, salt and garlic
  • Beef Broth- 14 oz
  • Can of Beer
  • Vegetables- I used Broccoli, carrots, and Cauliflower but you can substitute any that you want to throw in there. In the future I would throw the broccoli in for the last hour or so- it cooks much faster and my broccoli was way over cooked. 
Combine everything in the crockpot and cook for 8 hours on low.  

My favorite leftover roast recipe were these barbecue quesadillas! My son loves tortillas- we usually don't even buy sandwich bread because he won't eat a sandwich but if you stick turkey and cheese in a tortilla- he is all over it! Needless to say tacos and quesadillas are a staple at our house! 

Leftover Recipe: 
Barbecue Quesadillas: 
  • Thaw and Microwave the leftover roast meat until warm. 
  • Mix in your favorite barbecue sauce with roast
  • Cut up bell peppers and sauté in a skillet with a little bit of olive oil
  • Combine meat and bell peppers on a tortilla top with more barbecue sauce and cheese
  • Place another tortilla on top and bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 5-10 minutes or until the tortilla becomes crunchy
And that's it! Enjoy! 

I have loved experimenting in the kitchen and creating dinners that my family is enjoying, and I am proud to have made. I will not lie I do a lot of Pinteresting to find some of these recipes, but more and more I'm actually kind of making some of these up as I go along. 

Thanks guys and welcome to my crazy kitchen! 

Bon Appetite! 
