Friday, October 11, 2013

It's a Marathon....

Fall is officially in full swing and I love this time of year!  We have been in our house now almost three months and paid two mortgage payments! (358 left to go.... I suppose I need to stop the countdown it will only make me depressed...haha)
One of my favorites from our wedding! 
It's crazy to think that this time last year I was just over two weeks away from marrying my best friend. Now a year later we are homeowners (or mortgage payers) and about two months away from having a baby!  What a year!

Little baby feet!
I am not just over 7 months pregnant and officially in full nesting mode! I just want to get everything set-up and decorated and just perfect for our new addition!  But I know I can't do everything at once... baby steps they say.  Unfortunately, I can't always see that and had a minor pregnancy breakdown the other night just thinking of all the things I wanted to do to the nursery and the house in general.  At the time it was an overwhelming list both from the amount of items on it and just financially.

However, after a good night's rest (as good of night sleep you can get seven months pregnant... which means at least two trips to the bathroom)- the list didn't seem so overwhelming and after a trip to Target I scratched off a few items and I'm feeling good!

I know that we still have time and even after the baby comes we will still have things in our house that we want to work on. I also know that having a perfect home to bring the baby home to is an unrealistic expectation. Life isn't perfect, it's messy and crazy and sometimes the craziest and messiest parts are the best parts about life!

I just need to take it one day (baby steps) at a time and enjoy the ride.  I can't get too caught up in trying to get everything done and checked off my list in one day.... sometimes I just need to sit down take a break and enjoy our home and life!  And I know that one way or another it will all work out because there really isn't another option. Ready or not.. there will be a baby on board this December!  :)
