Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Moving on up!

We did it!!  We closed and moved in!! Woohoo!!

The last few weeks have been crazy busy just getting packed and organized and making sure all of our paperwork was in order.  We had a couple  documents we had to re-submit to close, updated bank statements, etc. But we found out about four days before our closing that our loan was cleared and we were officially approved for the mortgage!!  Thank goodness!!

Another part of getting ready to move- aside from the annoying and tedious packing, is moving or applying for electric, water, trash, etc. We already had electric and gas in our name from living in the apartment but I did have to submit a move request form to alert them of our move. I had to sign-up for water and trash service as those items were covered by our apartment previously.  Signing or requesting a move service is not too difficult just make sure you know who is providing the service at your new home.  I discovered both our water and trash bills are going to be combined- which made signing up for them a little easier! :)  Don't forget to move or sign-up for these services, because you definitely want everything right away at your new home!

You also need to set-up a forwarding mail address service from the post-office- letting them know where to send mail addressed to you starting the date you move from your previous address. One other item I forget to address prior to moving was changing our mailing addresses associated with our bank accounts and credit cards.

After all the packing and planning Tuesday July 30th finally arrived and at 9am we were signing paper after paper. About an hour later we had the keys to our first house and a car load of stuff to start unloading!  By July 31st we were all moved in and thanks to friends and family we avoided having to pay our August rent! (Thanks guys!!)

We are now settling in and realizing all the things we need to buy that we didn't have to worry about in our apartment-mainly lawn equipment and tools!  But we do have a lawn mower so we will not be living in a jungle. The rest of the items we will get in time.

I am so excited to be in our new house- I love it! I still can't believe we did it- we bought our first house!!  There is still some unpacking to be done, a few items to buy and definitely some decorating to do- but I am just enjoying being in our very own place!

Now the real adventure begins- caring for and maintaining our home.  Stay tuned- I will update as we experience and uncover adventures of being a first time homeowner.