Thursday, April 25, 2013

Back in the Game!

First off- I apologize for taking so long to update.  I left you hanging saying we were looking at a house that night- then didn't update for two weeks! So I am very sorry- I know you were all on the edge of your seats!  :)

Anyway- we did go and look at another house and... it was awful!  Well not all of it- the neighborhood was very cute and nicely landscaped and just looked very inviting.  But the house we toured was left in shambles. Not one single room was fully furnished. I thought maybe they were in the process of moving out, but there was dirty laundry scattered about the house.... so I was a bit confused! I was also a little bit upset- because it looked so cute from the outside- but alas, looks can be deceiving!  

Cute home on the outside looks nice and spacious....

but the inside feels like this! 

But aside from the decorating and laundry issues there were cracks in the ceiling and holes in the walls.  And the actual layout of the home made it feel small and almost like an apartment instead of a single family home. So we have elected to just forget about this home!

Actually seeing this home encouraged us to raise the offer on the short sale home we previously offered on (this was the home that was re-listed at the higher price).  We re-submitted our offer and are now awaiting their response once again.  So we are back in a waiting game!

We re-submitted our offer two weeks ago and have gone back to our weekly email updates which so far have told us there is a 1-2 week delay, which we are in the second week of- meaning we should hear something next week. So until next week fingers crossed....


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Funny Story...

So we have been waiting for the results of our offer on the short sale home and have been getting these weekly updates that say where our offer stands.  All while we're still looking to see if there is anything else we want to look at... and that has basically been the game for the past 3-4 weeks.

Guess what I found this week while looking at new listings!!!!  The house that we placed an offer on  was listed as a new listing $20,000 higher!


A few hours later I received our weekly update saying that we have the opportunity to resubmit our offer at the new asking price. So that's stinks!  :(

This particular house was in the middle of a appraisal dispute when we placed our offer. Now that they have finally settled the dispute the value of the home has increased. This is why it is being re-listed at the higher price.

Well, now the ball is in our court.  We must decide if we want to re-submit the offer at the new asking price or if we want to let this one go and look for a new house.

I'm still not sure what we are going to do.

We are going to look at another house tonight, so we will see how this home stacks up against the one we already  placed an offer on.

Needless to say I'm a little frustrated...but it is all part of the game.  I know we will find a home eventually, it just might not be this one.....or maybe it will.... WHO KNOWS????

I'll keep you posted!